This article will guide you on the Conditional Functions provided by the Pretty Forms Designer Add-on, that can be used in the custom logic for your Google Forms. The below functions can be used as a function call statement that returns a boolean value or can be used directly in the “IF” condition part.

Functions For Numbers

Is Equal to Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number Equals to the Right Number.

Representation: Left == Right

Return: true / false.

Is Not Equal to Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number is not Equal to the Right Number.

Representation: Left != Right

Return: true / false.

Is Less Than Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number is Less than the Right Number.

Representation: Left < Right

Return: true / false.

Is Less Than or Equal to Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number is Less than or equals to the Right Number.

Representation: Left <= Right

Return: true / false.

Is Greater Than Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number is Greater than the Right Number.

Representation: Left > Right

Return: true / false.

Is Greater Than or Equal to Number

Description: This function returns true if the Left Number value is Greater than or equals to the Right Number value.

Representation: Left >= Right

Return: true / false.

Functions For Text

Contains in Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value Contains the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “b” then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “e” then this function returns false.

Does not Contain in Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value does not Contain the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “b” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “e” then this function returns true.

Is Equal to Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value Equals to the Right Text value.

Representation: Left Text == Right Text

Return: true / false.

Is Not Equal to Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value does not Equal to the Right Text value.

Representation: Left Text != Right Text

Return: true / false.

Is Starts With Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value Starts with the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “b” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “a” then this function returns true.

Is Ends With Text

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text value Ends with the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “b” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left text: “abcd” & Right text: “d” then this function returns true.

Functions For Boolean

Is Boolean true

Description: This function returns true if the Boolean argument value is true.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: boolean: true, then this function returns true.

Example 2: boolean: false, then this function returns false.

Is Boolean false

Description: This function returns true if the Boolean argument value is false.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: boolean: true, then this function returns false.

Example 2: boolean: false, then this function returns true.

Is Equal to Boolean

Description: This function returns true if the Left Boolean argument Equals to the Right Boolean argument.

Representation: Left boolean == Right boolean

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left boolean: true & Right boolean: true, then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left boolean: true & Right boolean: false, then this function returns false.

Example 3: Left boolean: false & Right boolean: false, then this function returns true.

Is Not Equal to Boolean

Description: This function returns true if the Left Boolean argument does not Equal to the Right Boolean argument.

Representation: Left boolean != Right boolean

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left boolean: true & Right boolean: true, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left boolean: true & Right boolean: false, then this function returns true.

Example 3: Left boolean: false & Right boolean: false, then this function returns false.

Functions For Date

Note: Date object only has day, month & year components, it does not have the hours & minutes time components. Use DateTime object to store both date & time components.

Is Equal to Date

Description: This function returns true if the Left Date argument Equals to the Right Date argument.

Representation: Left date == Right date

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Feb 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Is Not Equal to Date

Description: This function returns true if the Left Date argument does not Equal to the Right Date argument.

Representation: Left date != Right date

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Feb 1, 2000”, then this function returns true.

Is Before Date

Description: This function returns true if the Left Date is Earlier than the Right Date.

Representation: Left date < Right date

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Feb 1, 2000”, then this function returns true.

Example 3: Left date: “Feb 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Is After Date

Description: This function returns true if the Left Date is Later than the Right Date.

Representation: Left date > Right date

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left date: “Jan 1, 2000” & Right date: “Feb 1, 2000”, then this function returns false.

Example 3: Left date: “Feb 1, 2000” & Right date: “Jan 1, 2000”, then this function returns true.

Functions For Time

Note: Time object only has hours & minutes time components.

Is Equal to Time

Description: This function returns true if the Left Time Equals to the Right Time.

Representation: Left time == Right time

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “02:00”, then this function returns false.

Is Not Equal to Time

Description: This function returns true if the Left Time does not Equal to the Right Time.

Representation: Left time != Right time

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “02:00”, then this function returns true.

Is Before Time

Description: This function returns true if the Left Time is Earlier than the Right Time.

Representation: Left time < Right time

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “02:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 3: Left time: “02:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns false.

Is After Time

Description: This function returns true if the Left Time is Later than the Right Time.

Representation: Left time > Right time

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left time: “01:00” & Right time: “02:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 3: Left time: “02:00” & Right time: “01:00”, then this function returns true.

Functions For DateTime

Note: DateTime object has day, month & year components with hours & minutes time components.

Is Equal to DateTime

Description: This function returns true if the Left DateTime Equals to the Right DateTime.

Representation: Left datetime == Right datetime

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Feb 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 3: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00”, then this function returns false.

Is Not Equal to DateTime

Description: This function returns true if the Left DateTime does not Equal to the Right DateTime.

Representation: Left datetime != Right datetime

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Feb 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 3: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00”, then this function returns true.

Is Before DateTime

Description: This function returns true if the Left DateTime is Earlier than the Right DateTime.

Representation: Left datetime < Right datetime

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Feb 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 3: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00”, then this function returns true.

Example 4: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Is After DateTime

Description: This function returns true if the Left DateTime is Later than the Right DateTime.

Representation: Left datetime > Right datetime

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Feb 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 3: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00”, then this function returns false.

Example 4: Left datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 02:00” & Right datetime: “Jan 1, 2000 01:00”, then this function returns true.

Functions For Text Array

Contains in Text Array

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text Array Contains the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text array: [“ab”, “cd” ] & Right text: “ab” then this function returns true.

Example 2: Left text array: [“ab”, “cd” ] & Right text: “bc” then this function returns false.

Does not Contain in Text Array

Description: This function returns true if the Left Text Array does not Contain the Right text value.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Left text array: [“ab”, “cd” ] & Right text: “ab” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Left text array: [“ab”, “cd” ] & Right text: “bc” then this function returns true.

Functions For Empty Check

Is Text Empty

Description: This function returns true if the Text is empty. This can be called with an argument “Check with trim” true. If the “Check with trim” argument is true, then it will remove leading and trailing whitespace characters before checking for an empty text.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Text: “abcd” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Text: “” then this function returns true.

Example 3: Text: “     ” then this function returns false.

Example 4: Text: “     ” with “Check with trim” true, then this function returns true.

Is Answer Empty

Description: This function returns true if the Answer is not filled.

Return: true / false.

Example 1: Answer’s value: “abcd” then this function returns false.

Example 2: Answer’s value: “” then this function returns true.

Example 3: Answer’s value: “     ” then this function returns false.