This article will guide you on the Conversion Functions provided by the Pretty Forms Designer Add-on to perform the Value Conversions in Google Forms. These functions can be used to convert a value from one data type to another data type or value type.

Date To Milliseconds

Description: This function returns the Milliseconds in number for the given Date.

Return: Number.

Example 1: Date: Jan 1, 1970 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 0.

Example 2: Date: Jan 1, 2000 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 946684800000.

Milliseconds To Date

Description: This function returns the Date for the given Milliseconds in number.

Return: Date.

Example 1: Number: 0, then this function returns Jan 1, 1970 (In UTC timezone).

Example 2: Number: 946684800000, then this function returns Jan 1, 2000 (In UTC timezone).

Time To Milliseconds

Description: This function returns the Milliseconds in number for the given Time.

Return: Number.

Example 1: Time: 00:00 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 0.

Example 2: Time: 00:01 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 60000.

Milliseconds To Time

Description: This function returns the Time for the given Milliseconds in number.

Return: Time.

Example 1: Number: 0, then this function returns 00:00 (In UTC timezone).

Example 2: Number: 60000, then this function returns 00:01 (In UTC timezone).

DateTime To Milliseconds

Description: This function returns the Milliseconds in number for the given DateTime.

Return: Number.

Example 1: Date: Jan 1, 1970 00:00 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 0.

Example 2: Date: Jan 1, 2000 00:00 (In UTC timezone), then this function returns 946684800000.

Milliseconds To DateTime

Description: This function returns the DateTime for the given Milliseconds in number.

Return: DateTime.

Example 1: Number: 0, then this function returns Jan 1, 1970 00:00 (In UTC timezone).

Example 2: Number: 946684800000, then this function returns Jan 1, 2000 00:00 (In UTC timezone).

Text To Number

Description: This function returns the Number converted from the given Text.

Return: Number.

Example 1: Text: “11”, then this function returns 11.

Example 2: Text: ”aa”, then this function returns NaN.

Number To Text

Description: This function returns the Text converted from the given Number.

Return: Text.

Example 1: Number: 11, then this function returns “11”.

Example 2: Number: 0, then this function returns “0”.

Get Inverse of Boolean

Description: This function returns the Inverse value of the given Boolean value.

Return: Boolean.

Example 1: Boolean: true, then this function returns false.

Example 2: Boolean: false, then this function returns true.