This article will guide you on the Getter Functions provided by the Pretty Forms Designer Add-on to get or a calculated value in Google Forms.

Get Length of a Text

Description: This function returns the number of characters in the given Text.

Return: Number.

Get Length of an Array

Description: This function returns the number of items in the given Array.

Return: Number.

Get Now in Milliseconds

Description: This function returns number of milliseconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Unix Epoch)

Return: Number.

Get Selected Form Language Code

Description: This function returns selected language code if the form is using the multi-language option.

Return: Text.

Get Selected Form Language

Description: This function returns selected language label text if the form is using the multi-language option.

Return: Text.

Get Object Key Number Value

Description: This function returns the Number value for the given Key in the given Object.

Return: Number.

Get Object Key Text Value

Description: This function returns the Text value for the given Key in the given Object.

Return: Text.

Get Object Key Boolean Value

Description: This function returns the Boolean value for the given Key in the given Object.

Return: Boolean.

Get Object Key Object Value

Description: This function returns the Object value for the given Key in the given Object.

Return: Object.