This article will guide you on the Calculation Functions provided by the Pretty Forms Designer Add-on to perform the Math Calculations in Google Forms.

Addition of Numbers

Description: This function calculates the value of Left Number + Right Number.

Return: Number.

Subtraction of Numbers

Description: This function calculates the value of Left Number - Right Number.

Return: Number.

Multiplication of Numbers

Description: This function calculates the value of Left Number x Right Number.

Return: Number.

Division of Numbers

Description: This function calculates the value of Left Number / Right Number. Right number must not be zero.

Return: Number.

Remainder of Numbers

Description: This function calculates the value of Left Number % Right Number.

Return: Number.

Get Sum of Values in Number Array

Description: This function calculates the Addition of numbers in the Number Array.

Return: Number.

Example: Array: [2, 3, 4], then this function returns 9.