Pretty Forms Designer add-on provides many functions that help you to interact with your form’s items in Google Forms. You can perform actions on the items of your form on the occurrence of a certain event. Let’s look at the following action functions.

Set Error to Form Item

Description: This function shows an error text to the Form Item (Answer Item). First argument is a Form Item and the second argument is an error text.

Return: None.

Clear Error of Form Item

Description: This function removes an error text from the Form Item (if error is already set).

Return: None.

Clear All Errors in Form

Description: This function removes error texts from all Form Items (if errors are already set).

Return: None.

Reset Form

Description: This function clears the answers for all Form Items.

Return: None.

Hide Form Item

Description: This function hides the Form Item / Question. The Form Item / Question must not be set as the Required question in Google form. As Required questions cannot be hidden.

Return: None.

Unhide Form Item

Description: This function unhides the Form Item / Question.

Return: None.

Make Form Answer Field Non-Editable

Description: This function changes the Form Answer Field to the Non-Editable field or readonly field. The Form Answer Field / Question must not be set as the Required question in Google form.

Return: None.

Make Form Answer Field Editable

Description: This function changes the Non-Editable Answer field to the Editable or Normal Answer field.

Return: None.

Disable Form Answer Field

Description: This function changes the Form Answer Field to the Disabled Answer Field. The Form Answer Field / Question must not be set as the Required question in Google form.

Return: None.

Enable Form Answer Field

Description: This function changes the Disabled Answer field to the Enabled or Normal Answer field.

Return: None.

Make Question Compulsory

Description: This function makes the Form Question a Compulsory Question, which behaves like a Required question. The Form Item / Question must not be already set as the Required question in Google form.

This question is useful in making a question a required or non-required question at runtime.

Return: None.

Make Question Non-Compulsory

Description: This function makes the Form Question a Non-Compulsory Question, which behaves like a Non-Required question. The Form Item / Question must not be already set as the Required question in Google form.

This question is useful in making a question a required or non-required question at runtime.

Return: None.

Hide Multiple Choice Option

Description: This function hides a choice of a Multiple Choice / Checkbox / Dropdown type question. The first argument is a question item whose choice would be hidden, and the second argument is choice value (in text) that would be hidden & will not be shown.

Return: None.

Unhide Multiple Choice Option

Description: This function unhides a choice of a Multiple Choice / Checkbox / Dropdown type question. The first argument is a question item whose choice was hidden, and the second argument is choice value (in text) that was hidden & will be shown.

Return: None.

Hide Section

Description: This function hides a section. The hidden section will not be shown in the list of next sections.

Return: None.

Unhide Section

Description: This function unhides a section and the section will be shown in the list of next sections.

Return: None.

Change Form Language

Description: This function changes the selected form language if the form is using the multi-language option.

Return: None.

Show Alert Message

Description: This function displays an alert text message to the user. This can be used to display an error alert.

Return: None.

Go to URL

Description: This function opens a provided URL. The URL must be started from “https://” For example: . You also have an option to set the URL target: "Open in a new tab" or "Open in the same tab".

Return: None.